
西安,碑林,文艺路2022-11-28 09:54:15
11 次浏览太奇考研肖老师15529028831
价格:1元 公司名称:西安太奇 具体地点:李家村万达广场 联系人:肖老师 微信号:15529028831 第一段: 开门见山说目的 通用模板: lam writing this letter to _(填目的) 1,申请类 (求职信) apply for the position of XX (辞职信) inform you of my resignation from my current position. (推荐信)recommend XXX as a qualified candidate for_(具体职位) 2,要求类 (询问信) inquire about XXX. (请求信-求助) ask for your favor regarding (关于) XXX 3问题题 (建议信) offer some tentative/constructive suggestions regarding_XXX (投诉信) make a complaint about XXX. 4介绍类 (邀请信) formally invite you to participate in the upcoming _(某活动+时间地点)三 (通知信) inform you of the XXX. 5情感类 (道歉信) express my apology for XXX (感谢信) express my gratitude for XXX (祝贺信) express my congratulations to you on _(某事) 建议信: 总述句: (我想提以下几点有建设性的建议) There are a few constructive suggestions that may be beneficial to XXX.然后写具体的建议 (写两到三点即可) 句型1(适合基础好的同学): First ofall,(建议一) .n addition,(建议二) .Last but notleast,(建议三). 句型 2(适合基础差的同学) 凑字数: @The first and foremost thing that I would like to emphasize is (建议一) One more thing that is of vital importance is (建议二) 国Another thing that I would like to draw your attention to is (建议三)
考研英语(二)小作文-写法建议 - 图片